Technological innovation drives the creation of new Architecture and Art. Structures of the future must not only limit the use of raw materials but incorporate high performing, naturally behaving and inventive structural systems. Whether on a project basis or within a dedicated team, SOM’s research processes are continually evolving. Engineers and architects collaborate to explore new tools and technologies that can facilitate more efficient structures, more accessible design methodologies and new structural systems. Structural optimization theory, for example, has informed futuristic approaches to the design of buildings. These approaches help define optimal use and placement of materials and unique architectural solutions while strategically combining / mixing traditional building materials like concrete and steel. The resulting designs provide a natural response to imposed loading demands from gravity, wind, and earthquakes. The presentation will focus on integrated engineering ideas that inspire change with project examples within the United States and abroad.

Alessandro is an Associate Principal and Structural Engineer with Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, in San Francisco. As a Structural Engineer, Alessandro works to develop the structural design for individual projects and project groups. Coordinating with the architectural and building services teams, he incorporates structural engineering design concepts within project requirements. His responsibilities also include overseeing the preparation of the complete structural engineering documents and reviewing them for compliance with the approved program. Within SOM, Alessandro is also responsible for conducting research in the field of optimal structural topologies and development of innovative methodologies for structural analysis. To this end, he maintains on-going collaborations with academic and research institutions. He has co-authored several technical publications on a variety of structural engineering topics ranging from topology optimization to behavior of fiber composites and fiber reinforced concrete.