James Alleman
Teaching Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Development, application, and assessment of sustainable environmental engineering technologies

Andrew Bartolini
Director, First-Year Engineering Program
Concurrent Associate Teaching Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Melissa Berke
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Molecular paleoclimatology; paleoenvironmental change; biogeochemistry; paleolimnology; paleooceanography

Kyle Bibby
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Associate Department Chair
Areas of Interest
Microbiology relevant to water quality and public health; detection of human pathogenic viruses in the environment

Diogo Bolster
Frank M. Freimann Professor of Hydrology and Henry Massman Department Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Environmental fluid dynamics, transport and reactive flows in heterogeneous porous media, multiphase flow in porous media, buoyancy driven flows, sustainable building ventilation

Patrick Brewick
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
System identification; structural health monitoring; Bayesian model calibration; structural dynamics; condition assessment; uncertainty quantification

Peter C. Burns
Dorini Family Professor of Energy Studies, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Environmental minerology, minerology and crystallography, mineral crystal structures and crystal chemistry, mineral structural energetics, mineral paragenesis, nuclear waste disposal

Albert Cerrone
Assistant Research Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Lifing technologies, computational mechanics, Digital Twin, additive manufacturing, biomechanics

Paola Crippa
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Air quality and aerosol dynamics modeling, climate change, environmental and computational sustainability, high-performance computing, remote sensing, weather research and forecasting, wind energy

Patricia J. Culligan
Matthew H. McCloskey Dean, College of Engineering
Professor of Civil Engineering
Areas of Interest
Water resources and environmental engineering; sustainable urban infrastructure, social networks, and the application of advanced measurement and sensing technologies to improve water, energy, and environmental management