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Professor Kyle Doudrick

Kyle Doudrick

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Physical-chemical environmental processes; water quality and treatment; emerging contaminants

Luis B. Fargier-Gabaldón

Luis Fargier-Gabaldón

Associate Professor of the Practice

Areas of Interest

Bridge engineering, design and construction of dams, infrastructure financing, earthquake engineering, and retrofitting of structures

Professor Jeremy Fein

Jeremy Fein

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Geomicrobiology, aqueous environmental geochemistry, application of chemical thermodynamics to model bacteria-water-rock systems

Professor Harindra Fernando

Harindra Joseph Fernando

Wayne and Diana Murdy Endowed Professor of Engineering and Geosciences

Areas of Interest

Environmental and industrial flows, atmospheric and oceanic research, mine countermeasures, wind energy, containment dispersion and air pollution

Emily Grubert

Emily Grubert

Associate Professor of Sustainable Energy Policy

Concurrent Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Macro energy systems; socioenvironmental assessment; multicriteria decision systems

Professor Alan Hamlet

Alan Hamlet

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Surface water hydrology, hydroclimatology and hydrologic extremes, hydrologic modeling, water resources planning and management, impacts of climate variability and climate change on hydrology

Amy Hixon

Amy Hixon

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

CEEES Director of Graduate Studies

Areas of Interest

Actinide (geo)chemistry, actinide materials, nuclear forensics, nuclear fuel cycle

Ming Hu

Ming Hu

Associate Professor of Architecture

Concurrent Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Environmental engineering, net-zero impact, healthy building design, life cycle environmental impacts, energy modeling, built environment quality

Professor Ahsan Kareem

Ahsan Kareem

Robert M. Moran Professor of Engineering

Director, NatHaz Modeling Laboratory

Areas of Interest

Structural dynamics; structural engineering; wind effects on structures; stochastic systems, risk and reliability; fluid-structure interactions; computational fluid dynamics; boundary layers, gust fronts and hurricane winds; natural hazards; computational design and scientific machine learning; wind energy

Professor Andrew Kennedy

Andrew Kennedy

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Coastal engineering, experimental techniques for nearshore waves, coastal geomorphology, remote sensing techniques in the coastal zone