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Professor Kapil Khandelwal

Kapil Khandelwal

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Structural/Solid mechanics, computational mechanics, topology optimization, machine learning and data sciences

Professor Yazen Khasawneh

Yazen Khasawneh

Associate Teaching Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Computational geotechnics; soil-structure interaction; structural and soil response to dynamic loading; development of constitutive models; forensic engineering; testing through scales; instrumentation

Tracy Kijewski-Correa

Tracy Kijewski-Correa

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences and Keough School of Global Affairs

William J. Pulte Director, Pulte Institute for Global Development; Academic Director, Integration Lab (i-Lab)

Areas of Interest

Disaster risk reduction; resilient and sustainable communities; post-disaster reconnaissance

Professor Gino Kurama

Yahya C. Kurama

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Concrete structures, steel-concrete hybrid and composite structures, earthquake engineering and structural dynamics

Patricia Maurice

Professor Emerita, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

water-rock interactions; aqueous geochemistry; hydrogeology; wetlands; nanogeology; atomic-force microscopy; surface chemistry, geomicrobiology

Wade McGillis

Wade McGillis

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Ocean, estuary, and river ecosystems; water quality and acidification

Professor Clive Neal

Clive Neal

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Origin and evolution of the Moon and igneous provinces ("supervolcanoes"); space exploration

Professor Rob Nerenburg

Robert Nerenberg

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Biofilms, especially membrane-biofilm reactors (MBfRs) and membrane biofouling

Professor David Richter

David Richter

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Fluid mechanics, multiphase environmental flows, turbulence in the atmosphere and ocean, particle-laden turbulence, computational fluid dynamics

A professional portrait of Sr. Damien Marie Savino, FSE, a woman with short brown hair wearing glasses and a black habit. She is smiling, with a blurred indoor background featuring warm lighting and architectural details.

Sr. Damien Marie Savino, FSE

Melchor Visiting Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Catholic Social Teaching, environment, theology and science, ecology and theology, ecological restoration, resilience theory