Tag: Precast Concrete

Prof. Kurama pointing to a break in a concrete beam with students in the background.

Article co-authored by Prof. Kurama wins Korn Award for advancement of precast prestressed concrete technology

A journal article by Yahya C. Kurama, professor of civil and environmental engineering and earth sciences; Theresa C. Aragon (ND Ph.D. 2018); and Donald F. Meinheit has won the Martin P. Korn Award from the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute. The Korn Award recognizes a paper that offers …

Mobile crane is operating with a huge concrete joist that hangs on chain.

Student teams bring home top honors in Big Beam Contest

Student teams from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences garnered both first and second place in the 2019/2020 Pretressed/Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) Big Beam Contest. The annual design competition requires students to work with a PCI Producer Member to …